
Achieve MLM Success by Understanding the Three Principles of MLM Internet or Network Marketing

To successfully take your MLM or Network Marketing business online you need to understand the three basic principles of the internet and how to truly watch repair tools attract people to you. Dig deep into these principles and really understand what you are trying to achieve before you start your marketing campaigns and you will truly be an Internet/Network Marketing success.Principle #1- What are they looking for?You'll find only three types of internet users:Bored People- Those seeking entertainment :)Avoid the bored people. They will waste your time with their curiousity, but they are floating around looking for someone to entertain them and never commit to anything. Info-SeekersMany searchers on Google are info-seekers. They need usable information. Something that can be used and applied straight away. They generally avoid ads. They are in a much more active mode while online and will follow a path of information to get as much as they can. They serious people are generally in this categoryConnectorsThose who are looking for connection are usually not found searching things on Google. They like to check in with their online connections before doing anything else online, so they start at Facebook or Twitter, etc. If they choose to start a business it will generally be with someone they have connected with online. They may have an enormous group of friends. Those that are giving them good information to them, checking in with a personal note, and showing that they are a real and genuine person are the people that will be trusted by connectors.Principle #2- Provide What They are Looking ForThe Info-seekers will look to people who have knowledge and information they find valuable when looking for a leader to help them start a business. Info-Seekers hang out on Google, so you need to have loads of relevant content so that your site can rank well on Google's organic searches. Start to think about who you are targeting and what would they be searching for. What keywords will they be searching? What are they looking to know about? When you deliver dead-on quality information the Info-seekers will want to learn more from you. If they see you as an expert on home-business they will come to you Nail Pen when they are ready to start a business of their own. If you already have helped or assisted them they know that you can do it again.Connectors are different.. They are looking for friends and connections who shared their interests. So give them a true connection. Let them know that you want to make a genuine connection by including a personal note with a friend request! Let them know what common interests you have (and make sure you only target people who do share interests consistent with you and your opportunity). Add a picture of yourself on your profile. Show them you are real. If you take the time to make genuine connections people will prefer to work with you. Principal #3- ConsistencyIt's true online and offline, to get results you must be consistent in your efforts. Here you want to make sure to be consistent with your audience. No matter who you are targeting it's important that you decide who you are and what's your voice and stick to it. The internet is a giant social gathering place, anonymity is really a myth. You need to be consistent in your voice, your actions and your efforts. Decide what your target market wants and always deliver that. Create a specific niche for yourself, but ensure you have left plenty of room to grow. A crystal clear message and voice is important. You can become known as a reliable source and authority on your topic through consistency.

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